Did you know that Californians throw away nearly 6 million tons of food each year? Meanwhile, 4,354,400 people are struggling with hunger, and of them, 1,638,430 are children (that’s 1 in 6 children). That food waste also represents a substantial loss of investment and resources. In the United States, food waste accounts for 18% of cropland, 19% of fertilizer, 21% of freshwater, and 5% of GHG emissions.
We’re working to make sure food is not wasted and instead goes to feed people and create healthy soil.
Edible Food Rescue
Our team rescues edible food (that would otherwise go to waste) weekly from local grocery stores in partnership with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley. That food is then made available to our community members at our ‘Community Market.’
Community Composting
We make compost! We run a community-scale composting operation at our Berger Drive Campus.

Food Scrap Drop-Off
Bring us your food scraps! Residents are invited to drop-off their food scraps five days a week at our Berger Drive Campus, where it will be transformed into compost and used to enliven soils in local community gardens and green spaces. For questions or more information please email compost@sjcccs.org
Monday through Friday (closed on major holidays)
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
1560 Berger Drive
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 283-7171
Accepted Materials: fruit & vegetable scraps, non-greasy food scraps (rice, pasta, bread, grains, cereal), coffee grounds & filters, tea bags, egg shells & nuts, cut flowers & houseplants, soiled brown paper products, potting soil.
Do Not Bring: meat, fish, bones, dairy, fat, oil, greasy food scraps, animal waste, charcoal, coconuts, insect-infested plants, plastics, twist ties, rubber bands, or receipts.
Food scraps can be collected in reusable containers, paper bags, or plastic bags. To reduce odors at home and at the collection sites, store items in the freezer or refrigerator. A layer of shredded newspaper at the bottom of your storage container also helps.